Wednesday, March 05, 2008

back? - i didn't know he'd left

deepest apologies to all who've used this to keep up with me. some of you know i was home and running all over seeing family and a few of you i had the great pleasure of getting to share some brief visits. to those of you who i didn't manage to see or even contact i'm sorry. perhaps upon my next visit.

so here's the latest tale: i had lots to accomplish on my short visit, the biggest expense and concern was the boat. i really didn't fully resolve the issue, but it won't be totally neglected as my brother is going to be able to use it as a resting place if any opportunities arise for him in the film industry in los angeles. then there was the hope of getting together with the producers of "the way of the master", this didn't pan out as i was on the road out of los angeles for much of my visit. but they did have some very interesting news concerning a couple who live in santiago who expressed and interest in helping to get this series into the hands and hearts of the spanish speaking community. they were in the southern california area while i was there, but again our schedules were not quite compatible. i'll be contacting them today in hopes that we can meet here in santiago and work together.

the other event that took place while in los angeles was that my computer which was 5 and a half years old, by apple terms it's an antique, had a video card failure. the miracle here was that this took place just after i'd backed up the entire system. that includes all photos from the last year as well as the entire project with 24 translated episodes, i have to testify that i believe this was divine intervention. my friend nigel was gracious enough to allow me to use his employee discount on the purchase of another computer. so now if you skype me you can see me.

i've been taking a couple of classes online and the loss of the computer really was a bit of a set back, i'm playing catch-up now, so i'll have to keep this short. i have made it my goal to keep this blog up todate more often.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Write more! :-)

Be catchinya on Skype!

Bridget said...

I hate it when computers do that to you...

Looking forward to hearing more from you :)

Is any of the filming for the CMI Darwin film near you?